Dental Monitoring: How It Works?

Orthodontics has become a dynamic and ever-evolving field, with new developments introduced constantly. Modern Orthodontics take pride in keeping abreast with these developments by ongoing training and education initiatives. When innovative technologies or approaches are put into operation, we assess them to see how they can improve our patients’ experiences.

Dental Monitoring: How It Works?

With the recent advances of Dental Monitoring, we’ve received positive feedback from one of the users. CEO of Max Funding Shane Perry said, “I’ve been using the Dental Monitoring App for a couple of weeks, and it was very beneficial to my progress. The steps are easy to follow than anticipated, and I can track them directly in real-time. As a result, my teeth have grown closer together, and my smile has livened! This app is fantastic.”

We acknowledge that your time is valuable and that life can be hectic, so you are under no pressure to visit our clinic. Dental Monitoring uses cutting-edge technologies to render orthodontic treatment more convenient, regardless of what you’re doing or how crowded your timetable is.

To help you understand more about this helpful technology, here’s a brief guide on how Dental Monitoring works.

What Is Dental Monitoring?

Dental Monitoring is an AI-powered orthodontic tool that helps your orthodontist remotely track the progress of your Invisalign care. As a result, you can cut down your trips to orthodontic clinics by having the monitoring done remotely, minimising the interruption of your everyday routine. In addition, the application is designed with a chat tool that enables you to immediately contact your dentist if you have any concerns about your care.

How to Download the Dental Monitoring App?

Orthodontists recommend the Dental Monitoring App to patients undergoing or about to undergo orthodontic treatment. Patients then can download the Dental Monitoring App for free from the Google Play Store or App Store. Once your monitoring begins, your orthodontist will send you an authentication email with all the information you’ll need to get started.

How Does Dental Monitoring Works?

Here are the simple steps to follow after installing the Dental Monitoring App on your smartphone.

Step 1: Scan Your Teeth

To start taking scans of your teeth, make use of the supplied Cheek Retractor and Scan Box. After that, smile broadly and take a full scan of those pearly whites. Make sure that you scan from across all directions, as advised by your orthodontist.

Depending on your treatment, there are a variety of options to do a Dental Monitoring scan. Please don’t panic. It’s a breeze! If you’ve enabled your Dental Monitoring app, it contains a video demonstration. Moreover, you’ll also get notifications whenever your orthodontist needs a scan.

Step 2: Automatic Uploading of The Scanned Photos

Once you’ve scanned and taken pictures of your teeth, the captured images will be immediately uploaded to the Artificial Intelligence engine and get analysed.

Your orthodontist has access to these images and the findings and can provide his/her recommendations or insights.

The snapshots are categorised, cropped, organised by date and perspective, and protected so that your orthodontist can track your orthodontic care progression.

Step 3: Keep Track of Your Progress Remotely

Dental Monitoring solutions help diagnose any oral health situation from the uploaded images and keep your orthodontist updated with your treatment progress while you go about your orthodontic care.

Your orthodontist can gauge your success remotely by analysing the progression of your smile from varied angles.

Discover the Freedom of Remote Dental Monitoring at Modern Orthodontics

Dental Monitoring is a fantastic technical advancement that helps orthodontists and patients to collaborate more efficiently and achieve optimal outcomes in a timely and comfortable way without sacrificing care efficiency. It has opened the door to a modern era of orthodontic care that is simple, affordable, and easy.

Modern Orthodontics embrace these innovative technologies. Our goal is to reinvent and bring excellent treatment facilities and the best orthodontic care in Melbourne.

So, if you want to wear that stunning smile, you should spend time learning about the care choices for straighter teeth. We offer dental monitoring, which is ideal for those like you who are still on the go.

Book a free consultation today to achieve that dream smile!

Written by: Chloe Harris

Author Bio

Chloe Harris is an aspiring writer and content creator. She is driven to create content that increases website traffic, clicks and conversions. She is planning to start her own content writing firm with the skills she’s learned.


European Orthodontics Society

Australian Dental Association Inc

Australian Society of Orthodontics

Australian Society of Orthodontists

The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

Modern Orthodontics, Victoria