Carriere® Appliance

Orthodontics goes beyond just achieving beautiful, straight teeth; it’s also about ensuring a proper bite! At Modern Orthodontics, we can efficiently reshape your dental arch using the Carriere® Appliance, significantly reducing your treatment time with braces or aligners.

Carriere Appliance

What is the Carriere® Appliance?

The Carriere® Motion 3D™ Appliance is an effective Class II (overbite correction) or Class III (underbite correction) treatment that aligns your bite and prepares your smile for braces or clear aligners.

With its sleek and low-profile design, the Carriere® Appliance is discreet and comfortable to wear compared to other functional appliances. During your fitting appointment, we will bond it to your teeth, and it will gradually reposition your molars and canines as intended.

What is the Carriere Appliance

Benefits of the Carriere® Appliance

Here are some reasons why our patients love the Carriere® Appliance:

  • Faster treatment: The Carriere® Appliance can significantly shorten the time you need to wear braces or aligners.
  • Sleek design: Unlike bulky headgear, the Carriere® Appliance is much more comfortable and discreet.
  • Versatile: This appliance can effectively address a variety of orthodontic issues quickly and efficiently.
  • Easy oral hygiene: The Carriere® Motion 3D™ Appliance is easy to clean around, helping you maintain a healthy smile throughout your treatment.
Benefits of the Carriere Appliance

See if the Carriere® Appliance is right for your smile

Ask about the Carriere® Appliance during your free consultation with the team at Modern Orthodontics.

Book your free consultation
See if the Carriere Appliance is right for your smile

European Orthodontics Society

Australian Dental Association Inc

Australian Society of Orthodontics

Australian Society of Orthodontists

The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh

Modern Orthodontics, Victoria